The Benefits Of Steel Cut Oats

Steel cut oats are whole oats that are cut with a steel blade into a coarse, square or triangular shape. They are not rolled or flaked. Steel cut oats contain the outer husk which is removed during processing. Steel cut oats have a more rustic texture and chewier consistency than rolled or flaked types of oats and require soaking for about an hour before cooking.

The benefits of steel cut oats

1.Iron absorption

A study published in the December 19, 2009 issue of the “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” showed that cooking oatmeal with steel cut oats reduced phytic acid and increased absorption of zinc and iron by as much as 3 to 6 grams per day compared to eating only whole oats. Phytic acid is a substance found in seeds and grains that interferes with digestion. Soaking oats overnight reduces phytic acid content by about 10 percent.


The larger size of steel cut oats makes them a more consistent product in terms of how they’ll cook and digest. For example, when making a larger batch than you can eat at one time, cook the smaller amount just covered with water for about an hour then stir in the second batch of water. This prevents the oats from overheating and losing their nutritional values in the process. When cooking for yourself, make sure to cook them longer than you expect to eat so that some will remain crunchy after cooking.

3.Lower Glycemic index

Steel cut oats were also shown to have a lower glycemic index than rolled oats, and they are more filling. Glycemic Index is a number that shows how quickly foods turn into sugar in your body. Foods that turn into glucose too quickly cause spikes in blood sugar levels and quick energy highs followed by energy crashes, hunger and the desire to snack.

4.High Fiber Content:

There are three types of fiber; soluble fiber, insoluble fiber, and resistant starch or prebiotic fiber. Steel cut oats have all three kinds of fiber.

5.Protein & Carbohydrate:

If you’re worried about getting your protein for the day, steel cut oats can provide you with all the essential amino acids, which we cannot produce ourselves. They also provide a good source of slowly digested carbohydrate that helps maintain stable blood sugar levels while keeping you full until your next meal. So whether you’re watching your carb intake or looking to get more fiber into your diet, steel cut oats are a good choice.

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