5 Healthy Morning Routines That Always Works

It’s no secret that a healthy morning routine can have a huge impact on your mood, productivity, and well-being. With 6-8 hours of sleep being the ideal amount, it’s harder than ever to wake up and start your day with a bang. However, there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your morning health routine.

Here are five steps to healthy morning routines:

1. Set an alarm early enough

Everyone’s different when it comes to what time they need to wake up. However, one thing that remains constant is the need for adequate sleep. Quality over quantity is key; you need to set your alarm early enough that you can get a solid eight hours of sleep. The reason why quality is more important than quantity is because the brain needs sleep in order to function properly, and gets the most essential health benefits during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of deep sleep. If you don’t get enough REM sleep, you’re less likely to perform at your highest level.

2. Eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up

Having a healthy breakfast every day is a great way to start your day. If you eat breakfast as your first meal, you’re less likely to eat unhealthy options for the rest of the day. By eating breakfast, you’ll feel mentally and physically better. Studies have shown that people who skip breakfast often tend to overeat later in the day.

3. Exercise daily

Exercise is one of the biggest predictors of health and wellness in young adults and older populations (both obese and non-obese). Even if you don’t feel like working out, do it anyway. To make “exercise” a habit, first keep a log with the date and your goals for the next week. This will help you learn to push yourself when needed and see progress towards your goals.

4. Reduce stress

Stress is linked to many diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, mental health issues, and chronic pain. So take steps to reduce stress whenever you can; go for a walk or do other activities that have a physical component that lowers your stress levels and releases endorphins (the body’s natural healing agents).

5. Drink water throughout the day

Water is the best way to reduce stress and flush toxins from your body. It’s recommended that adults drink at least 64 ounces of water a day; that’s about 3 quarts, or equal to one 12-ounce bottle.

The benefits resulting from a healthy morning routine are endless. Your day will be filled with more energy and less stress, which can go a long way to improving your overall well-being throughout the day. Remember that even small changes can make a big difference in your life; go ahead and try it out!

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