5 Basics Of Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness is an ancient technique that has been used to attain a higher level of awareness. This type of meditation goes hand-in-hand with positive thinking, which can have a profound effect on your mood and demeanor.

One way mindfulness practice can be applied is in living situations. For example, it’s possible to notice when you’re feeling angry before you lash out at someone else with hurt feelings or anger. Mindfulness also lets you be more present in the moment and enjoy your life more for what it has to offer rather than focusing on the negative things around you.

Below we’ll take a look at some of the most important mindfulness practices that are essential for staying focused in your daily life.

1. Notice your breath

A useful way to begin mindfulness practice is to simply focus on your breathing. Sitting quietly, take a few moments just to notice your breath entering and exiting your body at various parts of the body. The idea here is not to think about what you’re doing or why you’re practicing; just pay attention with an open mind and a soft, gentle heart.

When you breathe deeply in, it’s important that you take note and allow yourself to fully feel this activity. Imagine your lungs filling with oxygen and letting it out again as you breathe out. Do this as often as you need, and trust that it will help you calm down by taking advantage of this natural activity. This can be a daily practice that goes a long way towards helping you get your mind on the right track, so to speak.

2. Be present with the world around you

Mindfulness practice can also be applied in the actual moment you’re experiencing now. If something is bothering you, such as someone being rude or saying something hurtful, try to remember what it felt like when they did or said something upsetting to you at that moment. This will help you get a sense of what was going on and prevent you from feeling hurt or angry afterwards.

Sometimes we’re so caught up in our thoughts that we miss a lot of the good things going on and this can lead to negativity around us. When practicing mindfulness, it’s important to remember that it is your present moment and it’s important to treat others how you want to be treated. It’s also important to think about yourself; for example, if someone is rude towards you, why are they doing this? Is there something about yourself that you are ignoring? The answers can be found by observing your thoughts, feelings and actions in the moment with an open heart.

3. Take a closer look at unpleasant feelings

Mindful meditation works well on a bad day as it gives you time to reflect on why things may have gone wrong, or what you could do in the future to change them. Instead of shying away from your problems or negative thoughts, take a close look at what your life is providing and how you can make use of the resources around you. Think about where your current situation has come from and why you feel inadequate in some situations. You may feel sad, angry or discouraged; however, it’s important to consider that these emotions are natural reactions to difficult times and should be embraced rather than ignored.

4. Don’t be concerned with the past or future

Often people hold their emotions inside and become attached to what has happened in the past or what they are worried will happen in the future. Try practicing mindfulness by focusing on yourself in the present moment, without thinking about what you have done before or what will happen in your life later on. Check to see if you’re feeling unhappy, angry, sad or stressed, but also think about why this is happening and how you can stop it from continuing. If something has happened recently that makes you feel bad all of a sudden, then it’s possible that your reaction is too strong and will only exacerbate the situation.

5. Breathe into your many feelings and sensations

You may be aware of the unpleasant feelings you’re feeling and this will help you gain clarity around how to deal with these issues. This meditation will help bring about balance as well as give each one of your emotions equal attention. A good therapy technique for dealing with negativity and discomfort is called cognitive reappraisal, a technique that allows you to get a better perspective on your negative thoughts and emotions by turning them into something more neutral or positive.

For example, if you’re feeling angry all of a sudden, don’t assume that this is a permanent emotion that’s going to make you miserable for the rest of your life. If you come to realize that you aren’t as angry as you thought and that the feeling will pass, then you will be better off even if it wasn’t all that different than before.

Mindfulness practice is an effective tool for dealing with everyday emotions and can help keep your mind on track in the present moment. It’s important to remember that all of your thoughts, feelings and sensations are temporary and not worth dwelling on too much. By practicing mindfulness meditation on a regular basis, it will help you take control of your emotions and remain calm when confronted with negative stimuli in your life.

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